Sanarc® H3 for Additive

A Special Product for the BJ Process.

A specific mixture for the Binder Jet and FDM Process

Under normal circumstances, this gas is inert, and when subject to high temperatures,  it can become active influencing the result. It is uaually used in the PBF 3D pronting process, exclusively for copper alloys. This gas mixture is require for BJ and FDM process during the sintering post process.

During the sintering phase, the presence in the mixture of small quantities of Hydrogen avoids the involuntary oxidation resulting from previous processing of the product thanks to its deoxidizing function.


Over a century of experience and passion distinguish our production quality in the preparation of mixtures dedicated to special processes.
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L'argon pour la production d'additifs
Grâce à ses caractéristiques physico-chimiques, l'argon est un gaz fréquemment utilisé dans les processus de production d'additifs. Il est surtout utilisé pour les matériaux qui sont particulièrement réactifs avec l'oxygène ou d'autres composants de l'air.
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Nitrogen fo Additive manufacturing
Under normal conditions nitrogen is an inert gas but which at high temperatures can react with some materials also used in 3D printing. The use of nitrogen in this process is indicated for austenitic steel powders.
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Helium for Additive manufacturing
Helium is an absolutely inert and very light gas. Its chemical and physical characteristics make it ideal for both PBF and DED 3D printing processes, but it is very rare and expensive, so it is mainly used in EBM processes given the low gas consumption that this process has. In DED processes it is often used mixed with other gases.
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