The recovery andsubsequent reuse oforganic molecules
The recovery and subsequent reuse of these organic molecules often leads to significant economic savings. Although, all industrial processes tend to favour the recovery of these compounds, there are many cases in which, due to recovery performance-related restrictions or ot her causes, complete VOC recovery cannot be achieved.
Systems developed
In Nippon Gases we have developed a mixed system of adsorption and absorption plus cryogenic recovery.
When the flows to be treated are medium-to-high and
the volatile organic compound concentrations are
relatively low, turning to adsorption systems (activated
charcoal, zeolites, etc.) is the perfect solution to recover
these compounds and eliminate the polluting emissions
to the exterior. The basic principle of this technique is
the condensation of the VOC's present in the effluent by
cooling the gas flow to very low temperatures. This
cooling is produced by using liquid nitrogen as coolant,
which has a temperature of –196º C.