Tin bath inerting

Typically 6-9% H2 is added with N2 to create controlled atmosphere.

Fresh N2/H2 atmosphere improve float glass quality

The maintenance of the correct tin bath atmosphere allows high-quality float glass production. This is done providing fresh Tin bath atmosphere with the correct H2 concentration.

Maintain correct H2 concentration.
Correct H2 concentration prevent oxidation due to air leak.
Correct H2 concentration maintain H2O concentration at low level.
Our solutions
In Nippon Gases we offer high quality N2 and H2 to minimise the "tin pick-up”.
Good seal in tin bath walls and roof, together with enough injection of N2 inside the bath and injecting the right amount of H2 in the right place minimise the defects resulting from O2 infiltration.
Provide sufficient N2.
Factory signal integration.
Do you still have questions?
At Nippon Gases we are called “The Gas Professionals” for a reason, and it’s because we’ll be able to solve any doubt.
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