Nippon Gases participates in the creation of a Hydrogen Valley in Sicily
Nippon Gases participates in the creation of a Hydrogen Valley in Sicily
Nippon Gases participates in the development of a green hydrogen production hub at the production site in Giammoro, Messina.
Nippon Gases participates in the development of a green hydrogen production hub at the production site in Giammoro, Messina.
Nippon Gases participates in the development of a green hydrogen production hub at the production site in Giammoro, Messina.
Eduina Marino appointed Managing Director of Nippon Gases Italia
Eduina Marino appointed Managing Director of Nippon Gases Italia
On 1 April 2024, Eduina Marino was appointed President and CEO of Nippon Gases Italia, succeeding Raoul Giudici.
Eduardo Gil, President Nippon Gases Europe to retire and Raoul Giudici appointed as successor
Eduardo Gil, President Nippon Gases Europe to retire and Raoul Giudici appointed as successor
Nippon Gases announces the retirement of its President along with its succession plan.
Nippon Gases, the European business of Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation, a leading company in the industrial, medical and semiconductor gases sector, announces the retirement of its President along with its succession plan.
Nippon Gases, the European business of Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation, a leading company in the industrial, medical and semiconductor gases sector, announces the retirement of its President along with its succession plan.
Nippon Gases supports the ELLIS Alicante Foundation
Nippon Gases supports the ELLIS Alicante Foundation
Nippon Gases makes a donation to ELLIS Alicante to support research and innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Europe
Nippon Gases makes a donation to ELLIS Alicante to support research and innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Europe
Nippon Gases makes a donation to ELLIS Alicante to support research and innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Europe
Sustainability Report 2022
Sustainability Report 2022
Nippon Gases Italia has published its third Sustainability Report relating to the fiscal year (1 April 2021 - 31 March 2022).
Nippon Gases Italia has published its third Sustainability Report, to communicate to its stakeholders the actions taken on economic, environmental and social sustainability issues in the last fiscal year (1 April 2021 - 31 March 2022).
Nippon Gases Italia has published its third Sustainability Report, to communicate to its stakeholders the actions taken on economic, environmental and social sustainability issues in the last fiscal year (1 April 2021 - 31 March 2022).