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The 3D printing process has succeeded in the last few years, thanks to the development of fibre resources and a greater focus precision of the laser beam. But this is a complex process in repeatability that still needs more studies and improvement to overcome the lack of standards.
years of this technology
first invention in AM
cartridges changed/year
Over a century of experience in the various production processes at the service of additive manufacturing.
The influence of gases in the metal additive manufacturing process.
3D printing processes can be of different types: PBF, EBM, DED, FDM, and the most recent one WAAM. There are also many different metals, often noble ones, that can also be processed, reason why this is an expensive process.
All these different processes have a common characteristic, which is to protect the manufactured product from oxidisation during construction and heat treatment phases.
All these different processes have a common characteristic, which is to protect the manufactured product from oxidisation during construction and heat treatment phases.
So, to preserve the metallurgical characteristics of the metal powder essential to obtain the finished product, it is important to use high-quality gas.
När det gäller 3D-printing är syre och fukt fiender
I denna process är syre en förorening. Det måste därför reduceras. Fukt har också en negativ inverkan på processen. Ibland kan den göra större skada än syret.
Nippon Gases FoU-center har genomfört studier som visar hur dessa två föroreningar orsakar defekter i den metallurgiska strukturen hos produkter som tillverkas med 3D-printing. Tack vare dessa studier var det också möjligt att fastställa att närvaron av båda föroreningarna i kammaren är direkt relaterad till antalet defekter i produkten. Nippon Gases har utvecklat 3DPro® Gasfilter, som säkerställer att ren gas tillförs i kammaren och bidrar till att minska antalet produkter med defekter orsakade av syre och fukt. Genom att minska dessa två föroreningar kan processen göras mer stabil.