
A commitment to a sustainable future

Making life better through gas technology
We are committed to the belief that innovative, responsible, and sustainable practices are essential for creating a healthy and thriving society. By prioritising sustainability, we can contribute to a better future for all.
Sustainability Report 2024
Discover how we are enabling the future together
Our milestones in sustainability
In accordance with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals


reduction in GHG emissions
share of renewable energy
reduction of water usage intensity
of operational sites implement ISO14001
Environmental Management System
EcoVadis Platinum Medal 2023

We have achieved the platinum medal in EcoVadis' sustainability ranking, which evaluates four key areas: Environment, Ethics, Human and Labor Rights and Sustainable Procurement.

After two consecutive years of achieving gold, attaining platinum places us in the top 1% of our industry. This recognition underlines Nippon Gases' unwavering dedication to corporate social responsibility and sustainability.

Read more about this recognition 


Community Engagement
Nippon Gases employees are fully committed to Community Engagement.
Various projects are held during the year, allowing employees to help  directly or to raise funds for non-profit organizations from different sectors such as education, diversity, community support, health & wellness and the environment.
We are proactive. We are innovative. We are collaborative.
The transition to a carbon neutral economy


Nippon Gases is active in projects for the use of low carbon or green hydrogen.


1. Our expertise in combustion contribute to reduce fuel consumption and the use of biogenic or low carbon fuels.


2. Our knowledge in dissolving oxygen in water allows an efficient way of fish framing in marine water.


3. Our CO2 recovery projects allow us to reuse the CO2 either as raw material either as replacing hazardous chemicals in the waste water treatment.


Explore our carbon neutral world solutions

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