CryoSan® Snow Horn

Our snow horn for carbonic snow dosageon discontinuous process.

Our dosing systems produce carbon dioxide snow from liquid carbon dioxide

They generate dry powder at -78ºC capable of sublimating without leaving any residue or moisture. Take advantage of the properties of carbonic snow and cool, inert and protect your food with the bacteriostatic power of CO2. Our dosing equipment is made to measure the needs of the process, either for portable use or coupled to some kneading equipment.

Our wide range of horns, flows and dimensions fits any industrial process while adapting to any production need.
Adapted to any process.
Designed to meet the needs of each client.
Overview Property Fields
Portable dosing
High performance. Easy drive. Automatic process.
Precise temperature control
Simple adaptation.
Spiral tunnel
Economic impact, in the same space as traditional tunnels. Great versatility. Continuos cabinet.
Process monitoring and control

This service guarantees theoperation of the system by meetingthe customer's operational needs.
We meet customer needs in the design,installation, testing and commissioning phases. At Nippon Gases we help improve all stages of the process, studying each case in detail to ensure maximum production performance along with excellent product quality.

Cryogenic test cabinet

Try cryogenics without



Our portable test equipment is equipped with wheels, is

small in size and can be adapted to LIN or LCO2. It allows

you to perform real tests at your own facilities with any

of our portable supplies. It verifies the quality of the

product, determines the needed working parameters

and confirms the estimates of cryogenic gas


Injection systems

Take advantage of the properties

of carbonic snow and cool,

inertise and protect your food

with the bacteriostatic power of




For portable use or coupled with some kneading


Cryogenic test cabinet

Try cryogenics without



Our portable test equipment is equipped with wheels, is

small in size and can be adapted to LIN or LCO2. It allows

you to perform real tests at your own facilities with any

of our portable supplies. It verifies the quality of the

product, determines the needed working parameters

and confirms the estimates of cryogenic gas


About CryoSan® solutions
CryoSan® Nippon Gases' cryogenic solution for fast and effective freezing.
Our Nippon Gases family of cryogenic food equipment offers a wide range of solutions that fit into any type of industrial process, be it a continuous production line or a batch or batch system. In addition, our solutions are adapted to the type and size of the product. Chills, knocks down, glazes or freezes.
Do you still have questions?
At Nippon Gases we are called “The Gas Professionals” for a reason, and it’s because we’ll be able to solve any doubt.
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