Linear cryogenic equipment allows full control of the process
Thanks to the regulation of the residence time of the product through the speed of the belt, and the thermal probes that control the proportional injection valve according to the preset control value, we achieve unrivaled production versatility. In addition, the set of control valves of the extractors allows to drain the refrigerators of the nitrogen used as much as possible, thus increasing your productivity.
Our commitment to the continuous improvement of our equipment
We have a workshop that allows us to develop solutions tailored to any process. We have the ability to adapt our equipment to existing production lines.
Cryogenic cabinet
Adapted to your rhythm.
Work with LIN or LCO2 and discover the versatility of the
gases in our cryogenic equipment, capable of meeting
production needs in a wide range of values.
Take advantage of the properties of carbonic snow and cool, inertise and protect your food with the bacteriostatic power of CO2.
For portable use or coupled with some kneading equipment.
Cryogenic test cabinet
Try cryogenics without
Our portable test equipment is equipped with wheels, is
small in size and can be adapted to LIN or LCO2. It allows
you to perform real tests at your own facilities with any
of our portable supplies. It verifies the quality of the
product, determines the needed working parameters
and confirms the estimates of cryogenic gas