Dry Ice

Dry ice is used for transporting temperature-sensitive products

Dry ice (CO2 in solid form) is used for transporting temperature-sensitive products

It is important to be able to secure the refrigeration chain from stock all the way to the customer to ensure optimal quality of the food. For a number of years, Nippon Gases Norway has provided solutions to customers to secure the cooling chain by using methods that involve liquid CO 2 and dry ice. It is with this knowledge and experience that we can advise and deliver the most effective solutions in this market

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Wide range of delivery options and accessories

Keeping the cooling chain unbroken can be a challenge at times, but dry ice can be the solution! It can be put together with the goods directly in boxes or used in containers that transport the products. The dry ice keeps the temperature down to the right level during transport. The challenge of transporting refrigerated and frozen goods on the same refrigerated truck can be carried out with dry ice. The amount of dry ice used determines how long items for home delivery can be kept at the desired temperature.r.

Form of supply
Dry Ice


Related Gases
Dry Ice

Liquid CO 2 in solid form
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