Dry Ice Blasting for Food and Beverage

Non-toxic Dry Ice Blasting.

Get a better non-toxic cleaning reducing waste

Dry Ice Blasting allows cleaning onsite with a non-destructive method, without water nor chemicals.

Packaging Equipment

Remove labels, films, adhesives…

Processing Lines

Reduce cleaning times, even with the equipment is running.

Cryogenic Cleaning
The cryogenic cleaning through dry ice blasting, supplied for example in pellet, at a supersonic speed.
Cryogenic cleaning allows to eliminate dirt withoutgenerating additional waste, because dry ice will sublimate on the impact.
Form of supply
Dry Ice


Do you still have questions?
In Nippon Gases we have developed various qualities of gases to adapt to your applications. Call us or write to us and we will help you get the most out of it.
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