It is imperative for ethical reasons to minimise the suffering of animals
The controlled atmosphere stunning system uses a multi-stage, carbon dioxide atmosphere process.This is often the most reliable slaughter method for ensuring consistency in terms of good welfare and quality. Stress is reduced.
Virtually eliminates handling of
active birds reducing shackle-line
worker fatigue and improving job
Allows for improved shackling area lighting and
Better product
By eliminating the flapping and
agitated state of birds, there is
less bruising following the
controlled atmosphere stunning
The quality of your product has the potential to improve,
resulting in less trim and product loss.
Significantly improves product
quality for your operation. Ability
to revert to electrical stunning at
any moment.
In many European countries, there is a regulatory
requirement to stunning pigs and poultry prior to
Animal welfare
Birds remain unconscious until further processing steps, greatly reducing bruising and wing damage.
To ensure the well-being of the animal, it is required that the killing methods are not painful and spare the poultry and pigs from any avoidable pain or stress. This means stunning the animals prior to slaughter.