Mechanical Ventilation

Assistive therapy to aid breathing to patients.

Committed to you to find the best solutionfor your respiratory support

From HRC we are here to help the patient, their family members and the prescribing doctors at the most critical moments.

Nippon Gases Homecare manages all the accessory techniques of Mechanical ventilation, the management of secretions, humidification or telemonitoring, among others.
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Ventilation Modalities We handle all kinds of mechanical ventilation modalities.
Nippon Gases Homecare performs all kinds of mechanical ventilation modalities: from invasive (with tracheostomy), non-invasive (with oral interface), to high-flow ventilation. The Homecare department intends, at all times, to be at the forefront of patient care in this therapy. It has in its warehouses all kinds of interfaces necessary for the development of these therapies. That is why it does not matter if the patient uses ventilation only for sleep, or 24 hours a day.
Do you stillhave questions?
At Nippon Gases we are called “The GasProfessionals” for a reason, and it’s because we’ll be able to solve any doubt.
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