
Drinking water/Wastewater/Sewage sludge/Micropollutants

Ozone is one of the most effective oxidizing agents.

O3 reacts quickly and completely with a large number of chemical substances, producing environmentally friendly oxidation products compared to other oxidizing agents (e.g. no organochlorine compounds).
It has been used successfully for many years, particularly in the treatment of surface water and bank filtrate to produce drinking water.


  • High oxidation potential with low dosage
  • Low contact times
  • Excellent disinfection effect
  • Constant effectiveness within wide pH and temperature intervals
  • On-site generation of ozone from oxygen

Mizu O3® Process for the reduction of excess sludge using ozone

The disposal of secondary sludge represents a significant proportion of the costs of many wastewater treatment plants. These costs can be significantly reduced by reducing the volume of sludge by more than 40 %. This can be achieved by ozonation of a partial flow of sludge from the return flow or aerobic stabilisation.


Further advantages are:

  • Reduction of foam formation
  • Better dewaterability of the sludge
  • Saving of chemicals

    Treatment of Micropollutants

    Ozone also proves its worth in water protection. Trace substances in the effluents of sewage treatment plants, such as pharmaceutical residues or X-ray contrast agents, are a major burden on water bodies. They will therefore have to be reduced in the future. Ozone treatment, usually combined with filtration or adsorption, can be the process of choice for this.

    As "The Gas Professionals", we support our customers from the design phase through to regular operation.

    Ozone Generation

    Ozone is essential for cleaning, hygienizing and the reuse of water. Today, high-performance ozone generators use pure oxygen instead of air as the feed gas.

    Advantages of using pure oxygen:

  • Lower investment
  • Less space required, no need for air pre-treatment
  • High O3 concentration, 10 to 14% by weight is easily possible
  • Lower power consumption compared to generating ozone from air
  • Possible recirculation of the oxygen


    Do you still have questions?
    At Nippon Gases we are called “The Gas Professionals” for a reason, and it’s because we’ll be able to solve any doubt.