Port Zero Boosting

Increase pull rate, improve glass quality, and reduce specific energy consumption.

Get 10 to 15% pull increase ane

Our wide range of solutions fit any industrial process while adapting to the type and size of the product.

Quick transition in thickness or color
Promote optimised crown temperature profile
Reduce batch carry over
Our solutions
Nippon Gases offers Port ZeroOxy-Boosting in Float GlassMelters.
This technique is used to increase pull rate, improve quality, reduce specific energy consumption, replace electric boosting, reduce carry over and promote an optimised crown temperature profile.
Process monitoringand control
This service guarantees the system operativity by meeting the customer's operational needs according to the design, installation, testing and commissioning phases.
In Nippon Gases we help optimise all stages of the process, analysing each case in detail to ensure maximum production performance along with excellent product quality.
Linear cryogenic equipment

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Do you still have questions?
In Nippon Gases we have developed various qualities of gases to adapt to your applications. Call us or write to us and we will help you get the most out of it.