We are a strategic partner for industrial and medical gases in Europe.
Nippon Gases is one of the leading companies in the industrial and medical gas business in Europe, and we are part of Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation. We are present in over 13 countries, with a solid combination of bulk and bottled gases and onsite production and pipelines that deliver across key industries.

The Gas Professionals
Together, we are “The Gas Professionals” and we all have the same goal: “Making life better through gas technology”.
to customer
the industries
we serve
Nippon Gases is the fourth largest industrial gas company in Europe, with an overall market share close to 9%.
Detailed needs analyses for our customers are the key to offering them the products, services and technologies that will optimise their processes most efficiently.
Business model
Our ability to provide safe and reliable supplies of industrial gases reflects technological development, production, supply and sales capabilities.
Nippon Gases has a very balanced situation with regard
to mode of supply and enjoys an open portfolio in terms
of markets served.